Do you spend enough time planning and strategising?

If not, why do you think that is?

Did you know that organisations without a formal planning process are 70% more likely to experience medium to long term recurring growth challenges? 

Without clear goals and a workable plan, businesses waste 30% more on resources, employee engagement and productivity drop by 25%, and growth revenue experiences a 40% drop.

Common reasons business owners don’t spend enough time planning and strategising include:

Not knowing where to get started

Struggling to find the time

Feeling overwhelmed by the wealth of information

Uncertainty in how to set and achieve business goals

Fear that the process is an endless trial-and-error task

A loss of vision, motivation or drive.

If any of these reasons sound familiar, you need my Action Planning and Business Strategy Success Blueprints.

Utilising three decades worth of business knowledge (trust me, I’ve been where you are; I’ve founded and run five businesses!) and my own personal expertise, I’ve developed not one but two programmes to help you:  

  • Develop an inclusive, workable and outcome-driven plan that moves you forward and gives you an effective multi-level framework to use in all your future business planning activities. 
  • Understand how a business really works and the key elements of strategic thinking that will elevate your business beyond the average delay, frustration and cost model to a position of clarity, certainty and confidence. 

After all, planning and strategising are crucial to your business’s success, and should spend 20% of your time and creating clear plans and strategies.


Have you ever heard of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry? 

He was a French Writer who said,

A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

And, it’s true; if you’ve set yourself business goals without a carefully thought-out plan, then you’re just wishing for it. Remember, there’s a difference between owning a business and running a company to scale! 
If you want to create an easy-to-follow, actionable plan that helps you grow and scale your business so it can work without you, my two programmes can help you. 

Want to scale your business, build a world-class team and 10x your profitability?

Of course, you do! Who wouldn’t? Well, here’s how you can do just that…

The Action Planning Success Blueprint

With the Action Planning Success Blueprint, you’ll:  

  • Learn how to develop a practical, actionable plan 
  • Develop your bespoke plan with your specific goals and actionable steps 
  • Gain a multi-level framework, which you can use for future business planning activities.  

This easy-to-follow, quick-to-adapt, activity- and outcome-driven approach is the same model I use in my own businesses and with all my clients. It has been strategically developed and refined over my 30 years of business experience.

Download The Action Planning Success Blueprint

Once you’ve developed your foolproof, fail-proof business plan, you can move on to the Business Strategy Success Blueprint.

The Business Strategy Success Blueprint

With my Business Strategy Success Blueprint, you’ll:  

  • Discover how a business really works 
  • Understand the key elements of strategic thinking 
  • Be able to elevate your business into a position of clarity, certainty and confidence. 

This essential blueprint offers you the expertise and skills needed to grow and scale a thriving business. It includes everything I’ve learnt about business through my studies and personal experiences of growing four businesses. Basically, it’s a cheat sheet to help you skip the trials and tribulations that come with business ownership!

Download The Business Strategy Sucess Blueprint

What other people love about these programmes


Talking to Mark is like going to an optician – after speaking to him you leave seeing everything a lot more clearly!

I really appreciate Mark’s honest approach that cuts straight to the point, and encourages action; whatever your business may be,

I highly recommend booking some time with Mark or attending one of his events – you’re guaranteed to get clearer

Zoe Hunn


I appreciated Mark’s direct but respectful approach to challenging my plans and dispelling the negativity that has been distracting me from making a decision about the next important step in scaling my business.

He didn’t spout theory; he spoke from a position of authority created by various business experiences and provided me with a clear strategic priority that I can work on. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Mark.

Toni Hunter


Having spent time working with Mark, it is clear to see why he has made the successes he has. His knowledge and experience, along with his engaging manner, are essential to how he mentors anyone he works with. The conversations we have had have been instrumental in how my business has scaled, from the initial brainstorming to focusing on direction and action.

Whatever stage of business you are at, Mark will undoubtedly add value if you work with him.

Dan Temple

Blueprint your business to success

Ready to start planning and strategising for your business, smash your goals and become a thriving organisation? Let’s get started!  
All you need to do is complete the form to book a discovery call with me.  
On the 20-minute discovery call, you’ll have the chance to learn more about The Action Planning Success Blueprint and The Business Strategy Success Blueprint, how they can help you improve your business and be able to ask any questions about the blueprints or business in general.  
Book your discovery call with me now!