What? I hear you ask, I thought that was what you business mentors do.

Actually, it’s not, but that’s for another day.

Very rarely will you hear me talk about accountability as a feature or benefit – I know many do, but not me. You won’t find mention of accountability anywhere on my website and in the programs, training and courses I run through the Academy for Scaling Businesses, and here’s why.

When was the last time you had to be held accountable for booking your next holiday or buying your partner a birthday or anniversary gift? How about watching your favourite TV program or taking a day to pursue your favourite hobby?

Why don’t you need to be held accountable for these and other things? Simply because the desire or willingness to act is so strong, there is no need for any conscious focus.

Why then is taking decisive action in business so difficult that so many people keep talking about accountability? For me, the answer is simple. Unless you have the desire to act, no amount of accountability is ever going to make a lasting and significant difference and create change.

Whatever your role, position, age or size of business, you will at some point reach your limits. To solve this, some seek more information, some undertake endless training and courses and some put in place peer to peer or individual accountability steps in the vague hope that it will create desire – it won’t.

Do you lead or manage a team where you are trying to focus your team to act and are putting feedback and accountability steps in place in order to get the work done? Instead, inspire your team to desire change – how to inspire change is beyond the scope of these notes (it is what the Academy for Scaling Businesses is all about), get in touch for a chat here.

Humans are hard-wired to resist change. Yet change is very often the one thing we seek when thinking about growth. You want to grow yourself and scale your business but you are not willing enough to change such that accountability becomes irrelevant.

Why do some people believe the grass is greener on the other side of the fence if only they could get over there and enjoy it. It is not enough to find a ladder, or even put the ladder next to the fence – YOU have to climb it!

So here’s a quick breakdown of this little analogy in case you missed it. The ‘greener grass’ is you looking at the success you see others have and want. The ladder is the constant learning journey you are on. Climbing the ladder is you taking that learning and creating actionable habits that make a lasting difference.

Why are my clients, and those in the Academy, not held accountable? Simple – they already have the desire to climb their ladder. What they get from me is the right ladder and an understanding of which fence to put it against.

How and what to do to grow people and scale your business is easy – there is more than enough free information out there, just Google it. The missing piece is desire and willingness. If you have the desire, I will be able to help you act, not by holding you to account, but by inspiring you to be the change you seek.

Work with me:
I help owners, founders and leaders create a scalable business that works without them, build a world-class team, and 10x profitability. Book a call with me here to see if we could work together.

Remember, there are only three types of people – those who make things happen, those who wait for things to happen, and those who talk about why things don’t happen for them. Which one are you?