And what has that got to do with probabilities?

It’s true that, for most of us, our waking day is spent thinking about possibilities and “what if’s”. Our wishes, hopes and aspirational thoughts tend to centre around positive possibilities. And, so it follows, most of our worries and stressful thoughts are around negative possibilities. It’s also true that we are hard-wired for survival, so negative possibilities almost always win out – that’s the basic fight or flight reaction.

Here’s where probability kicks in; the more we think about and focus on what’s possible, positive or negative, the more we believe it’s probable. The more probable we believe a possibility is, the more likely that it will become our reality – let’s just think about that for a second… (hope your brain hasn’t exploded yet!) Just thinking about our business, our aims and goals, and focusing on what’s possible makes it become probable and therefore a reality.

Let’s now think about decision making;

“The most difficult action to take is deciding to take action, not what action to take”. What does that mean in reality? I’ve found that the more we focus on what might go wrong, what might not work and what our competitors might do first… the more likely those possibilities will become our reality (just because we are thinking it’s more probable).

How to turn that around?

I know it’s easy to say, but focus on positive possibilities. Believe in your goals, stay true to your aims, your vision and your values. Once upon a time you thought you couldn’t run a business, now look where you are! Focus on what your life and business could look like when a positive possibility becomes probable…and it will become real.

The challenge is in making the decision. Don’t let negative possibilities hold you back; decide to change by focusing on one positive possibility today and then seek support and help to make that possibility a reality.

What are you willing to do to make Positive Possibilities Probable.

Work with me:
I help owners, founders and leaders create a scalable business that works without them, build a world-class team, and 10x profitability. Book a call with me here to see if we could work together.

Remember, there are only three types of people – those who make things happen, those who wait for things to happen, and those who talk about why things don’t happen for them. Which one are you?