I believe it’s rare for anyone to find success without having one or more people around them to help, support and guide them on life’s journey, and this is as true in business as it is personally.

I’ll challenge you to name one sports personality, pop star or celebrity that hasn’t had some sort of coaching or support. Why then, do we, as business people expect success without help?

When asked, I often describe myself as a teacher first, a mentor second and a coach third. And this is why. When I first started my journey in business, I didn’t know what to do so what I needed first was a teacher. As I continued my journey in business, I needed a mentor to show me how to implement what I’d learned and only then did I need someone to keep me on track and coach me as I grew and my business scaled.

I suggest that many people in business don’t actually know what to do to take themselves and their business to the next level, beyond what is in the here and now. The first step therefore has to be make sure we are ready to take action, then learn what to do, then how to do it. It doesn’t matter how big or small our business is, whether we are established or new, or what role we have within a business, every time we are ready to take the next step. the process is the same. Get ready to act, learn what to do and invest in implementation over time to achieve the results we desire.

When we consider who to engage to help us, perhaps we should ask ourselves if what we actually need is knowledge and implementation first. Also do remember to ask whoever we choose to help us, who helps them.

A great teacher needs people who are keen to learn, has something worthwhile teaching, retains respect for those learning and the ability to listen more than to talk.

A mentor has experience in the industry with knowledge, skills and techniques to share that the recipient does not yet have.

A coach does not need industry experience, just the ability to bring out the best from the people they work with.

“You can’t add value if you don’t have anything of value to add”

Book a call with me here to talk about what’s best for you.

Work with me:
I help owners, founders and leaders create a scalable business that works without them, build a world-class team, and 10x profitability. Book a call with me here to see if we could work together.

Remember, there are only three types of people – those who make things happen, those who wait for things to happen, and those who talk about why things don’t happen for them. Which one are you?