One of the things that we all have in common is that we are all very easily distracted, and the things we get distracted by are never as important as the things we get distracted from.

I’m sure you know what I mean – you’re working on a task and suddenly your phone beeps because you’ve received a notification. You wonder what that notification is, so you pick up your phone and take a look. Perhaps you’re working on your task and your email pings. So you stop what you’re doing to check if it’s something important or urgent. We’ve all done it, myself included. I often wonder when in our world we changed from focussing on what we decide is important to being distracted by what others think we should find important.

Did you know that the first social media platform to reach 1 million subscribers, reached that point in 2004 – that’s less than 20 years ago! Now, just over a decade later, we live our lives connected to it and, for many, at the expense of living a life. I’m not saying stop using social media etc, it’s a big part of our modern world, I’m just saying there’s a reason more and more people are tired of the doom and gloom spread by the press, and more and more people are turning off their notifications. We are a social species, not a social media species.

One of the biggest challenges you face as a business owner, leader or manager is avoiding what I call creative distraction. That’s when you come up with an idea, or someone presents an idea to you, and you go off and research all of the different things you could do to implement that new idea. You may be thinking, well that’s the whole point isn’t it – innovate, plan, implement. Yes, but here’s the problem. Most get tied up in the idea and distracted by the activity rather than remembering that what’s important is moving towards your vision. You may think you are working creatively on your business by going on a new course or workshop, writing a new blog or social media post, or re-writing your website, when in fact, you are just being distracted by what’s immediate rather than what’s important.

Of all the multiple things that fill our days, some are of course, marginally important. They’re not bad things, but they’re never as important as the things we get distracted from. I think it’s fair to say that losing focus in some areas of our lives is not that big a deal. But there are certain things that if you take your eye off the ball, you wake up five years down the road and you realise; Oh no, how did I get here? Where has the last five years gone, and more importantly, why am not further forward than I expected or hoped for. How did I end up on this track that I never remember choosing. Perhaps there’s something that needs more of your undivided attention than simple day to day distraction or what others tell you should be important.

Don’t let what’s urgent distract you from what’s most important.

Every day there’s urgent stuff, whether it’s a family or health matter, a client deadline or a task that must be completed. Remember that what’s important is where you’re going not what’s here and now. Manage the here and now, but keep focussed on what’s important.

Whenever you are tempted to opt for immediate over ultimate, or want now over value most, or opt for optional over what’s essential, you are choosing to change your priorities from what’s important to what you perceive is urgent.

The nature of my work means that I come into contact with people just like this. They have prioritised what they believe is urgent, perhaps they are chasing sales, perhaps trying to recruit, perhaps there’s a gap in the management or leadership structure, perhaps communication is breaking down, or systems are slipping. What this almost always looks like is busy people constantly being distracted by what’s urgent in their day-to-day lives and businesses, and forgetting what’s important. When you focus on what’s important, what’s urgent often goes away. 

How many times will you choose to work late, or extra hours to get a job done when your priorities are waiting for you at home. Something I did many years ago (read my story) before I realised that what’s important is how I live my life and share in the lives of those around me. Yes, I have started, grown and sold multiple businesses, but this one lesson many years ago has meant I’m focussed on what’s important.

Think for just a minute about what is most important to you right now in your life. It may be a who or it may be what. Now I want you to think about your biggest distraction from the thing that’s most important to you. Now let’s ask the pinnacle question; Why should I choose to stop working on what’s most important to me, to start working on something that’s less important. Why should I choose to be distracted from my journey, vision and plan, just because it may bring a short-term win. Why would I do that? 

What’s the difference between a scheduling conflict and a priorities conflict?

We all have days where we just seem to be tripping over our diary with meetings that overrun, events we think we should attend but just can’t quite seem to fit it in, then there’s the day-to-day fire-fighting, staffing, customers, suppliers, delivery and supply chain issues. It’s too easy to get bogged down in day-to-day urgency, as we have discussed already, and miss what’s important. Urgency tends to live in scheduling conflicts when you are not in control of your diary, and your most important things live in priority conflicts when you’ve lost sight of where you’re going. What are your real priorities?

You can always find time to put the wrong thing on your calendar. You can always find time to squeeze something in that takes you away from what’s most important to you. This is the essence of creative distraction.

What’s your top priority, what’s the number one thing you are not willing to compromise or be distracted from and don’t trade ultimate for immediate. What is the thing that you have to stay focused on until it changes. Whether it’s your whole journey or whether it’s a chapter in your life? Maybe it’s a habit you finally need to break. Maybe it’s a business you know you need to take to the next level. Maybe it’s a relationship you need to rebuild.

While we’re on the topic of relationships, here’s a difficult question, but I have to ask it. Who do you need to step back from? Who do you need to remove from your schedule to let others help and support you to your next level. Who is keeping you from becoming who or what you want to be. They’re just not a good influence on you, because they’re not going to help you get to where you ultimately want to be. 

Think about the questions and points I have raised for you today, and I hope they have allowed to think differently about your priorities. There are many things you will do this year, and there are many things you can do this year. But what is the one thing you must do this year, and are you willing to stay focussed on it until the task is complete and not suffer from creative distraction.

Work with me:
I help owners, founders and leaders create a scalable business that works without them, build a world-class team, and 10x profitability. Book a call with me here to see if we could work together.

Remember, there are only three types of people – those who make things happen, those who wait for things to happen, and those who talk about why things don’t happen for them. Which one are you?